Poland\'s president said Tuesday the outgoing prime minister will administer the country until a new government is formed in a few weeks. President Bronis?aw Komorowski delivered a special address to members of the Polish Parliament in the wake of the country\'s Oct. 9 general election, Polish Radio reported. \"Only wise and prudent action by the government will allow Poland to continue its stable economic development,\" Komorowski said, and added one of the biggest tasks for the country was \"countering the threat of the economic crisis\" and fighting against \"weakening of the European idea.\" \"Poland has avoided the economic crisis due to both the policies of recent years and as the result of a long-term, consistent construction of the Polish economy on sound principles,\" Komorowski said. After the address, outgoing Prime Minister Donald Tusk went to a formal ceremony at the presidential palace where he formally turned in his resignation and Komorowski charged him with heading a temporary administration until a new government is formed in the coming weeks. Tusk must form a new coalition government by Nov. 22 with his first policy speech containing the government\'s policy agenda made by Dec. 6, Polish Radio said.