A special BlackBerry pin has been assigned by Dubai Police to keep the public informed about their campaigns and activities. Police have urged BlackBerry users to add the pin 27875985 to their contacts on the Messenger service to communicate with the police and get the latest updates. The allocation of the special pin for the public comes in line with instructions by Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Dubai Police Chief, to use modern technology to ensure police awareness campaigns and services received the best possible responses. Captain Saleh Abdul Rahman Al Saleh, acting director of security awareness at Dubai Police, said the service attracted over 1,100 subscribers in a matter of three days since its launch. The move would also serve the strategic goals of Dubai Police about spreading security awareness in the community, he said. \"This will serve people of all ages, as BlackBerry is one of the most used means of communications due to its affordability and ease of information delivery,\" he said. Article continues below BlackBerry services marked their start in promoting police campaigns with the traffic safety drive ‘Commit\', launched last Sunday.