About 60 people were arrested Saturday evening during a protest in Moscow, Russian police said. Police said about 200 demonstrators gathered in Triumfalnaya Square accompanied by 100 reporters, photographers and bloggers, RIA Novosti reported. They said anyone carrying a sign or talking to the news media was taken into custody. One group lined up to show that letters in tape on their shirts spelled out the message \"Freedom for Udaltsov,\" in support of imprisoned activist Sergei Udaltsov. He was arrested Dec. 4, the day of parliamentary elections, and is now on hunger strike. Eduard Limonov, a leader of the Other Russia movement and a writer who spent 14 days in custody after he was arrested in December 2010 at a demonstration, was among those arrested Saturday. Police attempted to keep protesters out of the square by blocking streets with trucks and buses and setting up barricades to keep pedestrians out. They used a megaphone to urge protesters to celebrate New Year\'s Eve. \"Please do not gather together. No action at this spot today has been sanctioned by the Moscow mayor\'s office,\" protesters were warned. \"Go to the place where you will see in the new year. Happy New Year everyone!\"