Iranian Law Enforcement officials announced on Monday that police units in the Northern Qazvin province have smashed 15 major drug rings during the first half of the current Iranian year (March 21- September 22).\"During the first half of the current (Iranian) year, 16 drug-trafficking rings have been disbanded across Qazvin province,\" Commander of the Anti-Drug Police Squads of Qazvin Qassem Qiasvand announced on Monday. The commander mentioned that police troops have seized over one ton of different types of narcotics during the said period. Qiasvand further noted that police forces have arrested about 3,000 people in drug related crimes during the period. Iran leads international efforts in fighting drug networks and narcotic traffickers. According to the statistical figures released by the UN, Iran ranks first among the world countries in preventing entry of drugs and decreasing demand for narcotics.