Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski accepted the resignation of the Donald Tusk cabinet and reappointed Tusk PM-designate on Tuesday. The resignation of the old cabinet is a formal step following parliamentary elections on Oct. 9. Tusk declared he would form a new cabinet as quickly as possible. \"We know how many things must be done in Poland. Trust is always conditional and the fact that most Poles decided to vote for the continuation is for us the most beautiful and a very serious challenge,\" Tusk was quoted as saying. \"We all know that we must not betray the trust displayed in us by the president, by Poles and by our homeland,\" Tusk went on. The PM-designate voiced the hope that the next four years would be better for Poland. Tusk said that he felt privileged to be able to continue work as prime minister and promised to work for the good of Poland and the good and security of its citizens. The old cabinet will carry on until the new cabinet is formed and Tusk will be personally in charge of the health and infrastructure ministries whose heads were elected Sejm (lower chamber of the Parliament) speaker and deputy speaker. The ruling Civic Platform (PO) won Poland\'s parliamentary elections on Oct. 9 with nearly 40 percent of votes. In the 460-seat lower house of the parliament, the PO got 207 seats.