Unidentified gunmen shot dead a local official of a southern Philippine city early Sunday, police and local officials said. Rafael Viduya, 58, a provincial council member of Surigao del Sur province was shot dead by two male suspects as he stepped out of a Catholic church after attending Mass in Bislig City, Surigao del Sur around 10 a.m., said Superintendent Martin Gamba, a regional police spokesperson. Two other male suspects served as lookouts during the attack, Surigao del Sur governor Johnny Pimentel said, adding the provincial government has already tasked a police team to investigate the incident. Ronilo Jauregue, Bislig City police chief, said the suspects fled on motorcycles as bystanders rushed Viduya to a nearby hospital but the victim was declared dead upon arrival by physicians. \"It could be personal, political or the handiwork of (leftist) New People\'s Army guerrillas. The police are exploring all possible angles,\" Pimentel told Xinhua by mobile phone, adding a 100,000 pesos (2,325 U.S. dollars) bounty has been put up for anyone who could provide information leading to the identification and arrest of the perpetrators. Recovered from the crime scene were seven fired pistol cartridges, police said.