An attorney for accused Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes says the state must release more information so his client\'s mental state can be evaluated. Holmes is charged with killing 12 people and wounding 52 July 20 during during a showing of \"The Dark Knight Rises\" at a theater in Aurora. Attorney Daniel King told District Judge William B. Sylvester prosecutors had not turned over enough evidence to allow the \"nature and depth of Mr.Holmes\' mental illness\" to be assessed, the Los Angeles Times reported. Holmes faces 142 criminal charges in the theater attack. An attorney representing 20 media outlets asked Sylvester at the same Thursday hearing to loosen his gag order that has sealed virtually all court documents in the case, including prosecution and defense motions. The attorney, Steven Zansberg, told the judge the public \"is completely in the dark.\" King argued for a continuation of the gag order because of the high public interest in the case. He asked the judge to extend the order to Zansberg because the attorney had been interviewed by the media. Deputy District Attorney Jacob Edson also argued for keeping the documents sealed, saying \"it is much too premature\" because the investigation was continuing.