Two Grad rockets were fired at southern Israel before dawn Sunday, severely damaging houses and slightly injuring civilians, the Israeli army said. One rocket hit two houses in the southern town of Netivot at approximately 2 a.m., causing extensive damage. The Magen David Adom ambulance service said three civilians received minor injuries as they ran to bomb shelters. A second rocket hit Beersheba and exploded in an open area causing no damage or injury. Four civilians were treated for shock, Israel police said. The mayor of Beersheba told Israel Radio he decided to keep city schools closed Sunday as a precaution. The rocket attacks came just days after six Palestinians accused of plotting attacks against Israel were killed in Gaza in Israeli air force strikes. A statement issued by the army early Sunday said more than 10 rockets have been fired at Israel since the beginning of September and more than 455 rockets have been fired at southern Israel since the beginning of 2012.