The Russian government has adopted a new program aimed at involving Russian immigrants in the modernization processes in Russia. According to federal statistics, more than 300,000 Russians leave the country to work abroad and about 40,000 emigrate every year. Many of those leaving are bright, young and educated professionals - exactly the sort of people Russia needs to build a democratic society with an advanced economy. The new program for 2012-2014 is set to provide Russian professionals and innovators living and working abroad with good incentives to take part in the modernization of the Russian society and economy. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who portrays himself as a young and technologically savvy leader, has repeatedly expressed concern over the growing brain drain in the recent years and instructed the government to create a favorable environment for Russian professionals in the country. According to recent opinion polls, at least 13% of Russians would want to emigrate because of discontent with the economic and political regime, widespread corruption and inadequate social services.