A week after allegedly calling Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu a liar, French President Nicolas Sarkozy wrote a letter reaffirming his friendship with Israel. Israeli television networks reported Monday Sarkozy wrote to Netanyahu in what was described as an effort to \"clear the air.\" Channel 1 and Channel 10 said in a condolence message to Netanyahu for the death of his father-in-law Sarkozy said, \"You have my friendship, and our differing views on the problems of the Middle East and the interpretations appearing in the media, have no effect on it.\" The networks noted U.S. President Barack Obama also sent Netanyahu condolences but made no reference to comments he allegedly made in a private meeting with Sarkozy at the Group of 20 summit in Cannes last week. The two were unaware microphones in the room had been left on. The French Web site Arretsurimages.net reported that during the meeting, Sarkozy called Netanyahu \"a liar\" and added , \"I cannot stand him.\" Obama allegedly responded telling the French leader, \"You\'re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day.\"