French President Nicolas Sarkozy plans a visit to Israel to deal with a \"misunderstanding\" with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a diplomat says. Valerie Hoffenberg, Sarkozy\'s former special envoy to the Middle East, said Thursday the trip would be made \"soon,\" the Jerusalem Post reported. Sarkozy was overheard in a conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama at the recent Group of 20 summit calling Netanyahu a \"liar.\" On Wednesday, Sarkozy met with members of the World Jewish Congress. Attendees told the Post he said Israel had failed to make its case with the news media. Sarkozy, who is partly of Jewish descent, said his support for Israel and its leaders, including Netanyahu, had made him a target of anti-Semitism. \"I have defended Bibi throughout my political life,\" he said, using Netanyahu\'s nickname.