Investigators said they weren\'t sure what caused an 11-year-old California girl to die shortly after she took part in an alley fight with another youngster, Joanna Ramos of Long Beach complained of a headache Friday in the aftermath of her battle with a romantic rival after school let out and then died after being taken to a hospital by her family. Deputy Police Chief Robert Luna told the Los Angeles Times the scuffle did not appear to involve any weapons and only lasted a minute or so. \"We believe nobody was knocked to the ground,\" Luna said. The other girl involved in the fight as well as about seven other kids who witnessed the fight were contacted by police, but no arrests were made. Family members said Joanna did not have any noticeable bruises or other injuries but complained she did not feel well and was eventually taken to a hospital where she under went surgery and then died in the intensive care unit. \"My sister-in-law rushed her to the ER, and two hours later she\'s gone,\" Joanna\'s aunt, Celina Cervantes, told KTLA-TV in Los Angeles. \"It\'s just very sad.\"