Senior official Zhou Yongkang on Friday said more efforts are needed to prevent juvenile delinquency and strengthen school security management. \"Ensuring the safety of juveniles and preventing juvenile delinquency plays a vital role in family happiness and social stability,\" said Zhou, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Friday at a meeting on social management. Zhou said the government will focus more on the problems of unemployment and the dropout rate of juveniles and create a system to help children in rural areas who are left behind by their migrant worker parents. Zhou called for a sound social environment that will help juveniles grow up in a healthy manner, and said more emergency drills should be conducted in schools, adding that public security around schools should be strengthened by frequent police patrols. Zhou also said that measures should be taken to further perfect the safety standards and supervision over school shuttles in order to eliminate children-related traffic accidents.