Violence which broke out last Saturday and Sunday at El-Menzah stadium and the security situation in the country, in general, as well as preparations for the new school year were the main issues Interior Ministry spokesman Hichem Meddeb spoke about on Tuesday, during the regular meeting of the Prime Ministry's communication cell with the media. Mr. Hichem Meddeb said that the Interior Ministry is well-prepared to guarantee security of the new school year, through multiplying patrols and security campaigns around the educational institutions. He pointed out that a whole programme has been devised to fight against such phenomena as frantic riding of motorcyclists or the presence of street vendors of non-conform food stuff in front of schools. On last Saturday and Sunday's outbreak of violence at the El-Menzah stadium, which caused material and physical damages among the sports public as well as the security forces, Mr. Hichem Meddeb stressed the efforts of the intervention forces, which helped the Saturday game, he specified, to proceed normally and to register the least possible damage on Sunday, in spite of the troublemakers' use of smoke generators, tear gas and fire instruments within the stadium and outside. The representative of the Interior Ministry mentioned an important number of injured and the death of Club Africain supporter of an Algerian nationality. He also pointed out the arrest of 60 people, including 46 who have been remanded in custody. He added that the situation will be normal for the next games to be held in the presence of the public. As regards the security situation in the inland regions of the country, Mr. Hichem Meddeb reminded that the curfew has been lifted in several cities, the same decision will soon be taken for the other cases. Additionally, he underlined the efforts exerted by the National Guard Units in their fight against criminality, specifying that during the 10-11 September night, 365 arrests for aggressions and theft had been carried out, concurrently with the interventions of the traffic police to put an end to crimes and other offences. He also mentioned the case of the arrest, during the same period in the delegation of Haffouz, governorate of Kairouan, of a person illegally making handguns and shotguns.