Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller says the state plans to pay out $5 million to cover claims by victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse. Zoeller said Kenneth Feinberg, who served as the administrator of victim compensation funds after Sept. 11, 2001, and the BP Gulf oil spill, has agreed to consult with the Attorney General's Office on paying claims associated with last month's Indiana State Fair tragedy Seven people were killed and dozens were injured on Aug. 13 when high winds blew over the stage at the Indiana State Fair. "We want to move to pay the full $5 million that the state's law allows as soon as an equitable formula can be devised," Zoeller said Wednesday in a release. "My goal is to focus on the needs of victims and their families while minimizing the expense of lengthy and costly litigation." Zoeller said Feinberg will also coordinate with the Indiana State Fair Commission on protocols for distribution of the private donations made to the Indiana State Fair Remembrance Fund. The Indianapolis Star said more than $800,000 has been donated to the Remembrance Fund by private individuals and businesses.