Gary Dobson and David Norris (right) The trial of Gary Dobson and David Norris is expected to last until Christmas Two men have appeared at the Old Bailey charged with the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence 18 years ago. The 18-year-old A-level student was stabbed to death by a gang of white youths in Eltham, south-east London, on 22 April 1993. Gary Dobson, 36, and David Norris, 35, both of south London, deny the charges. The high-profile killing at a bus stop prompted a public inquiry into the Metropolitan Police\'s handling of the case. Stephen\'s parents Doreen and Neville arrived at the Old Bailey to witness the start of the trial before Mr Justice Treacy. A jury is due to be sworn in on Tuesday and the case is expected to last around two months. The prosecution is led by Mark Ellison QC, Mr Dobson is being defended by Timothy Roberts QC, and Stephen Batten QC is representing Mr Norris.