Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominque Strauss-Kahn has been linked to a sex scandal investigation in Lille, France, officials said. Strauss-Kahn, who already challenged two rape allegations this year, asked to be interviewed as soon as possible to \"end insinuations and extrapolations that are dangerous and once again malicious,\" Radio France Internationale reported Monday. Investigators in Lille said they think they\'ve uncovered an operation that brought women, some thought to be underage, from Belgium to have sex with wealthy clients in hotels, RFI said. Five men, including the director and public relations chief at one hotel, were arrested in France and charged with pimping. An area newspaper, Journal du Dimanche, quoted sources close to the investigation as saying Strauss-Kahn could be questioned. The newspaper said investigators think the operation could have sent the women to the United States to entertain Strauss-Kahn and he may have participated in sex parties in Paris organized by one of the Lille suspects. In May, Strauss-Kahn was accused by a New York hotel maid of sexual assault and attempted rape. The charges were dropped after prosecutors questioned the accuser\'s truthfulness. Soon after, French writer Tristane Banon claimed Strauss-Kahn had tried to rape her in 2003. Last week, French state prosecutors decided not to press charges, saying there wasn\'t enough evidence to charge him with attempted rape.