A Kosovo man admitted in court he killed two U.S. airmen in an attack at a Frankfurt, Germany, airport but said he doesn\'t know why he did it. Arid Uka, made the admission as his trial began in Frankfurt Wednesday. He told the court he had been radicalized by jihadist propaganda he had been exposed to on the Internet, the BBC reported. \"What I did was wrong, but I cannot undo what I did,\" Uka told the court. Prosecutors called Uka, 21, an Islamic \"lone wolf\" who had no contact with any known militant groups, and said he had been enraged by footage of U.S. servicemen raping a Muslim girl in Iraq. The footage in question turned out to be a scene from a movie by Hollywood director Brian De Palma, the BBC said. \"I thought what I saw in that video, these people would do in Afghanistan,\" Uka said Wednesday. Prosecutors alleged Uka wanted to kill the airmen because they were going to join coalition forces in Afghanistan. They said Uka confessed at the scene. Two other U.S. airmen were seriously injured in the attack in March. The indictment said Uka entered the airport terminal and then followed U.S. military personnel to their military bus. It said he asked one for a light and inquired where the bus was going, and then fatally shot him. The indictment said Uka then boarded a military bus, shouting \"Allah-u akbar\" (God is great), and shot and killed a second victim. Prosecutors said the gun jammed and Uka fled into the terminal where he was captured.