Police in Gothenburg, Sweden, Tuesday searched for a man suspected in the stabbing of 10-year-old girl outside of a school. The girl, who was stabbed in the neck Monday, was recovering in a hospital, the Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyra reported. A friend of the victim said she thought the girl had a bloody nose, but then saw a knife protruding from her neck as she lay on the ground. \"I saw blood when I came up to her. She said, \'I think I\'ve got a knife in my throat,\'\" the friend said, adding that she saw a man running from the scene. Police told TT they assigned more officers to the neighborhood where the stabbing occurred. \"We\'ve boosted our presence in the area,\" police spokesperson Elf Edberg said Tuesday. Witnesses said the girl may have found the knife and was going to turn it in to a teacher when she was attacked from behind, TT said. Police told Aftonbladet newspaper investigators said they think only one person was involved in the attack. Officials also said they found a cigarette butt near the crime scene and expressed hope that there may be some DNA evidence.