Tens of thousands people from all walks of life, including government ministers and uniform-clad gay police officers and army personnel, marched in Stockholm\'s gay pride parade Saturday.Police said 35,000 to 50,000 people paraded through the Swedish capital\'s centre and that the event took place with no incidents.Most walked but many others danced on the back of lorries.A variety of organisations, from major unions to political parties, non-profit groups and professional associations, also took part in the parade.Banners proclaimed \"Proud parents of gays, bisexuals and transsexuals\", \"Marching for those who can\'t\".Many waved the rainbow-coloured gay pride flag and some wore extravagant costumes. \"The parade is so emotional to be part of, I almost cried. People are so happy and there is just love everywhere,\" Ulrika, a 30-year-old Stockholmer, told AFP.\"It was wonderful!\" said 18-year-old Marcus Billing Soederberg, who was waving a rainbow flag and said he was participating in the parade for the first time.\"It\'s great to see the same happiness and energy in everyone, it was unbelievable,\" the student said.The main site for year\'s pride festival, of which the team was \"Openness,\" was in the centre of the city for the first time and entrance was free.Stockholm\'s pride festival kicked off Monday and ends Sunday.During the festival, rainbow flags are visible throughout the city and on all public buses in the Swedish capital.