With Myanmar marking Independence Day, a U.S. State Department spokeswoman said the regime needs to free more prisoners and advance national reconciliation. Myanmar on Wednesday celebrated the 64th anniversary of independence from the British government. In 2010, the country had its first general election in nearly 20 years and freed Nobel Peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi from long-term house arrest. Victoria Nuland, a spokeswoman for the State Department, said Washington had unwavering support for a democratic Myanmar but wanted more reforms. \"We continue to call for the release of all political prisoners, a halt to hostilities in ethnic areas and an inclusive dialogue with ethnic minorities toward national reconciliation, space for all political parties to freely compete in April 1 by-elections and full implementation of legislation to protect universal freedoms of expression, assembly, and association,\" she said. Last year, following a visit with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the country\'s leaders opened the door for Suu Kyi to play a greater role in politics. She led her political party to a victory in 1990 elections, though military authorities never recognized the results. The regime last year released hundreds of political prisoners, though rights groups said many more remain jailed.