A transit passenger faces six months in jail for terrorising passengers on board a Dubai-bound Emirates flight and endangering its safety by claiming that he had a bazooka. The Dubai Court of First Instance pronounced a guilty verdict against the Iranian passenger, A.J., 38, for breaching the flight\'s safety by claiming that he had a bazooka in his possession and endangering the passengers\' lives besides the flight\'s safety. When the defendant appeared in court he pleaded not guilty and denied the charges. \"The accused will be deported after the completion of his punishment,\" said Presiding Judge Al Saeed Mohammad Barghout pronouncing Tuesday\'s ruling. A.J. was also accused of assaulting and insulting a Yemeni steward, M.Z. \"No, I am not guilty. I didn\'t jeopardise the flight\'s safety. I didn\'t assault the steward but yes I cursed him,\" he pleaded in court. Court records showed that A.J. had been involved in two cases of assaulting flight attendants. The Dubai Misdemeanour Court had recently jailed A.J. for three months for ridiculing and threatening an Arabic stewardess, F.B., and boasting that he would hijack another Emirates airlines flight. Court records showed that aviation authorities did not press charges against A.J. for making disparaging remarks against M.Z. and assaulting M.Z. in June 2009. In March 2011, A.J. got involved in a similar case when he ridiculed and assaulted F.B. Prosecutor Ahmad Al Attar subsequently re-opened the 2009 case and referred the Iranian to the Courts of Misdemeanours and First Instance, where he faced two separate trials. Prosecutors said A.J. falsely claimed to be carrying a bazooka on board the flight while it was still in the air. He was additionally charged with assaulting M.Z. and swearing at him.