Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych vowed on Thursday to stamp out the country\'s corruption as quickly as possible. \"Ukraine has launched a wide anti-corruption campaign, and the National Anti-Corruption Committee is already working,\" the president told a meeting of the Council of Regions. \"Soon I will issue a decree approving the national anti-corruption strategy, which has to be implemented both at the central and regional levels.\" Yanukovych has signed a decree, under which the main task of the committee is to combat corruption, with the focus on state departments, authorized organizations and people who perform state functions. Corruption has plagued state institutions in recent years. About 4,000 criminal cases against officials have been sent to the courts, according to Yanukovych. Regarding corruption as a danger to the Ukrainian society, domestic experts believe the government has to crack down on the dirty practice to improve people\'s well-being and attract foreign investment.