Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on Tuesday urged Russia to accelerate the process of demarcation of the Ukrainian-Russian border. \"I am sure that customs procedures facilitation will be an efficient tool for establishing trade and economic relations along the border area,\" Yanukovych told a regional forum in eastern Ukraine\'s Donetsk. \"In this regard, I consider it important to accelerate the process of demarcation of the Ukrainian-Russian border, as well as proper arrangement of checkpoints,\" Yanukovych said after a meeting with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev on bilateral ties. Yanukovych said he discussed with Medvedev the operation of the Ukrainian-Russian Inter-governmental Border Commission, which will begin function in the near future. Yanukovych expressed his confidence that such a body will contribute to the development of the Ukraine-Russia relationship. Medvedev, for his part, said Moscow wants to develop all-round relations with Kiev. \"The Russian-Ukrainian relations should not be limited to conversations about gas price and energy area,\" he noted. Medvedev said Russia and Ukraine should take into account issues related to the formation of the Customs Union as well as their entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Kiev and Moscow can implement joint plans \"only in an atmosphere of mutual trust,\" the Russia president said. Medvedev added that it is necessary to improve land and air transport conditions between the two neighbors.