India’s NE separatist group United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) anti-talk faction Monday accused Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi of secretly giving away Assam\'s land to Bangladesh in recent land swap agreement. \'Chief minister Tarun Gogoi and non-genuine resident of Assam Prime Minister Manmohan Singh happily gave away Assam\'s land to Bangladesh without informing the indigenous people of the tate.  By secretly giving away Assam\'s land Gogoi and Singh have tarnished our history\', alleged the Paresh Barua-headed ULFA wing\'s publicity chief Arunudoy Dehotia. He said in an email to the media in Guwahati that the indigenous people did not want to know how much land Assam received from Bangladesh. \'As Assamese we are honor bound to maintain the geographical boundary of our state.\' According to the PTI, continuing his tirade, Dehotia claimed that a few \'power hungry\' people had made Assam a \'sacrificial lamb\' and dubbed those who protest such moves as ISI agents or Maoists and demanded that the government give proof of it. Else Gogoi also as the home minister must apologize to the people of the state,\' he said. Accusing ruling the Congress of being \'puppets in the hands of promoters of big dams\', Dehotia said Gogoi and his ministers have launched a false propaganda that those agitating for halting the construction of big dam projects are ULFA or the Maoists. \'ULFA always supports any organisation that works for the interest of Assam\', he added.