The UN agencies say that 78 infants out of 1,000 live births die every year in Pakistan while under-five mortality is 94 deaths per 1,000 live births. Significant number of infants continue to die from diarrhea, pneumonia, respiratory infections and under-nutrition, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children Fund (UNICEF) have said as both are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week in Pakistan and across the world. “The situation of children in Pakistan is serious with immunization, nutrition and sanitation issues, in particular, needing urgent attention. This is illustrated by only one in five children under one year of age being immunized and 31 per cent being born with low birth weight. With a national average stunting rate at 37 per cent and acute malnutrition at 13 per cent, urgent action is needed,” said Dan Rohrmann, the UNICEF Country Representative for Pakistan. “The root causes for malnutrition are not only linked to the 2010 floods but due to inappropriate infant and young child feeding practices, including the late initiation of breast feeding as well as inappropriate complementary foods and inappropriate weaning foods. Therefore, many of the nutrition problems we see today would be greatly alleviated with increased exclusive breastfeeding and more knowledge around nutrition,” said Rohrmann. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant’s life remains essential as the country is still recovering from the impact of the destructive 2010 floods in Pakistan that inundated almost one-fifth of the country. While nutritious food supplies, sanitation and access to safe drinking water remain elusive for millions, breastfeeding – particularly exclusive breastfeeding – provides critical protection from infection in environments without a safe water supply and sanitation. “Pakistan’s high rate of child mortality – with malnutrition and preventable diseases being key contributing factors – can be addressed by implementing a multi-sectoral approach across Pakistan. The WHO and the UNICEF are working closely with the Government of Pakistan and its partners in the health, water and sanitation, and nutrition sectors to increase child survival rates. Exclusive breastfeeding is a core component of these measures,” said Nima Abid, Acting WHO Representative in Pakistan. “World Breastfeeding Week provides an opportunity for us to renew our commitment to protecting children and promoting this life-saving measure; exclusive breastfeeding gives a child the best possible start in life,” said Abid.