UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon on Friday welcomed the announcement by the Basque separatist group ETA to end its armed activity, expressing hope that the move will bring a \"tragic chapter for Spain to an end.\" \"The Spanish people have endured over 40 years of violence at the hands of ETA,\" said a statement released here by Ban\'s spokesman. \"The secretary-general shares in the hope that ETA is committed to bringing this tragic chapter for Spain to an end.\" ETA on Thursday announced a \"definitive end\" to its armed struggle for the independence of the Basque region in the north of Spain and the southwest of France. The declaration, following ETA\' s announcement of a cease-fire in January of this year, ended over 40 years of conflicts which have claimed more than 800 lives. \"There should be an end to violence and a permanent laying down of arms,\" said the statement. \"The secretary-general pays tribute to the memory of the over 800 victims of ETA violence over the years. They and all who have fallen victim to any form of terrorism around the world should not be forgotten.\"