The United States informed China it will support institutions in Asia in strengthening their roles in the region. A brief US State Department statement after the meeting of the US-China Pacific Consultations at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., said the two sides held \"constructive discussions\" regarding the developments in the Asia-Pacific region. China\'s official Xinhua news agency said the closed-door talks were co-chaired by US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai. \"The United States emphasized its support for strengthening the role of regional institutions in Asia and its desire to work together with China to advance this goal,\" the statement said. It was the third round of consultations since the forum was established in May 2011 at the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. The meeting was timely as the United States has placed a new strategy emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region amid growing concerns about China\'s military buildup and its stand in the resource-rich South China Sea over the claims of some its neighbors.