U.S. House of Representatives passed a legislation on Wednesday that would help veterans get jobs. The measure cleared the lower chamber by a unanimous vote of 422 to 0. Since it had been approved by the Senate last week, it now only awaits President Barack Obama\'s signature to become law. It is so far the only piece of Obama\'s American Jobs Act to clear Congress. The bill would offer tax credits of up to 5,600 U.S. dollars to companies that hire veterans who have been unemployed for more than six months. The maximum amount of tax credits would be elevated to 9,600 dollars if companies hire long-unemployed disabled veterans. It would also expand education and job training benefits for veterans. The White House hailed the legislation\'s passage. President Obama said in a statement that \"I want to congratulate Republicans and Democrats in Congress for coming together to pass these tax credits that will encourage businesses to hire America\'s veterans.\" \"This is a good first step, but it is only a step. Congress needs to pass the rest of my American Jobs Act so that we can create jobs and put money in the pockets of the middle class,\" he added.