Valentine\'s Day romance takes many forms and for one couple it meant the guy duct-taping his naked sweetheart and driving her around Portland, Ore., police say. Unfortunately for Nikolas Harbar, 31, and Stephanie Pelzner, 26, the day for lovers included being charged with second-degree disorderly conduct, the Los Angeles Times reported. Police said someone reported seeing a naked woman with duct tape on her mouth tied up in the back of the car. The witness informed police the driver said they \"were just having some fun.\" A police report said when officers caught up with the couple, Harbar said they were just \"doing some Valentine\'s Day role-playing.\" Sure enough, the report said, Pelzner confirmed to the officers \"she was voluntarily bound and nude in the back of the Subaru.\" Many people apparently have a live-and-let-live attitude toward the couple\'s bondage experience, the Times said. \"Nothing wrong with that, they were just trying to have some fun, you monsters,\" one man wrote on the Portland Police Bureau\'s Facebook page. \"Keep Portland weird, man,\" another implored. Another suggested the arresting officers omitted a charge: \"She should be booked for not wearing her safety belt.\" Police Lt. Robert King told the newspaper there were practical public safety factors at play, including tying up several squad cars looking for a possible abduction victim. \"Why would the officers think it was a Valentine\'s Day thing?\" he said. \"This kind of stuff, whether it\'s being naked in the back of a car tied up, or running down the street with an airsoft gun pretending to shoot at people, it\'s not OK, because it creates a lot of concern from the public.\"