The World Council of Churches (WCC) on Thursday congratulated all Muslim communities all over the world on the occasion of the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr in the spirit of human solidarity. “The days of fasting during Ramadan, which Muslims over the world have just concluded, are significant because they demonstrate the intent of the people of faith to engage in a noble act through which they demonstrate acts of solidarity towards the many disadvantaged of our world with whom they share their own gifts of privilege which the Almighty has bestowed upon them,” said the WCC General Secretary Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit in a press release issued here today. “This year, more than any time before, the Eid al Fitr should prompt Muslims and Christians to act in a spirit of oneness based on our common humanity and spotlight our energies on rallying people to form alliances for peace and reconciliation with justice. This common effort should draw in people from the many great religious traditions of our world,” he added. “Historic changes are taking place in several countries and regions of the world where Muslims live. The Middle East and North Africa have particularly experienced momentous events. These significant and life-altering events are shaping new forms of politics and their ripple effects can be felt in all arenas of global society – social, economic, cultural, and religious,” he said. As people of faith committed to justice, peace and reconciliation, “we should be able to work together in order to preserve the dignity of all peoples, their basic human rights and the rule of law that applies equally to all citizens. In the predicament that we find our world in, we, as people of faith, are obliged to seek and articulate a common vision of a world through human encounters for truth and justice. “We need to stand together to prevent all kinds of terrorism, as we work together to build an inclusive future life based on dialogue and cooperation between Christians and Muslims in all continents,” he added