Tourism in Egypt

Egyptian tour guide Samira Mohsen said that women's beaches are one of the most important factors to attract families, and to support tourism in Egypt pointing out that many western countries allocated some beaches for families only, which characterized by privacy.

Examples of countries that allocated such beaches are France, Germany and Latin American countries such as Mexico. Therefore, we find that the Arab tourism, in such countries, is increasing.

"There are a range of hotels allocating closed chalets, where both the husband and his wife can sit without worrying, and these chalets are located in the northern coast in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco," Mohsen stressed.

 Promoting of such beaches will be in tourist companies' advertisements as a factor of attractions, where eastern man reassures for such flights, she added.

Mohsen indicated the need for beach services on women's beaches, such as food and drinks, changing rooms, bathes, and entertainment programs for women, such as organizing sports and cultural events, as well as the need for women supervision on such beaches, saying that Bahrain is allocating such beaches on large areas of the country.