Egyptian tourist guide, Noha al-Dahabi

The Egyptian tourist guide, Noha al-Dahabi explained that safari trips are usually in the woods or wilderness environments, and are carried out by adventurers for the purpose of seeing or catching animals, adding that in most cases, the modern safari trips include photographing animals in their natural environments.
She added that after the increase in laws to protect the largest possible number of animals, fewer people are going on safari to hunt animals.

Concerning the word "Safari", she said that it is a Swahili word and its origins derived from the Arabic word "Safar" (travel).
"Most safari trips are in Africa, but already there are many safari destinations all over the world. For example, one can do safaris in India, Australia, Antarctica, Alaska, Brazil or Peru, simply in any place where one can see the animals.

"Some safari trips are often in the mainland, and it may be very dangerous, because the tour will be beside lions, tigers, bears and other wild animals," the tourist guide said.
She stated that some of others safaris are through walking in groups with a guide and an armed group to protect them.