Figures are cut due to expansion work

Figures are cut due to expansion work Rabat - Redouane Mabchour Saudi’s Hajj minister on Saturday affirmed that expansion projects in the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina, will result in a reduced number of pilgrims this year. The number of domestic pilgrims will be cut by 50 percent and international pilgrims by 20 percent, said Hajj Minister Bandar al-Hajjar. He added that the reduction of pilgrimages this year is “exceptional” and “temporary.” The news has been met with dismay by Islamic scholars and travellers worldwide. Morocco in particular, has refused the new rules, stressing that the decision may \"harm financial interests.\" Authorities in the latter country affirmed that they \"did not receive any notification\" from their Saudi counterpart in this matter, although both parties have pushed to resolve differences promptly.