Tabarka, Tunisian beauty

Tabarka is a Town in northwestern Tunisia, situated on the Mediterranean Sea, on the foot of the Khroumirie Mountains. Considering the fact that Tabarka has been billed up as a traditional town, the last thing you will expect to hear is that its music scene is thriving. There are countless music festivals held in the town and interestingly, they appeal to a wide audience of people. For example, one month there may be several jazz festivals, while another you might be greeted by Rai beats. Nevertheless, while festivals will appeal to the tourists, it is debatable on whether or not they are commercial enough to attract foreigners.

When one first arrives in Tabarka it will be clear from the outset that this is an under-developed zone. Again, this reinforces the fact that it has simply not been designed for tourists, with the cobbled pavements and backstreet cafes all emphasising this feel. Many of the shops are family owned and a lot of Tunisians are happy to circulate around the old-fashioned streets, taking in the smell of shisha as they soak in their national atmosphere.

With Tabarka being situated so close to the beaches, it won’t be a surprise to see that many visitors take advantage of the coast. Many will go out snorkelling and scuba diving, with locals being able to point out the best places for fish and shipwrecks. Again, this is not your typical seaside holiday resort, but the locals do take pride in their waters and it can be possible to explore them even if you are an ‘outsider’.

Another activity that focuses on the local environment is a trip to the Kroumirie Mountains. The beauty of this area is second to none and visitors will be blessed with countless elements of nature, whether it is chestnut trees, cork oaks or the dry rivers. This is classed as one of the most relaxing areas of Tabarka and many old people make it their priority to regularly visit the region just to rest. Additionally, it can attract visitors from afar during the winter period, with the snow making the surroundings absolutely picturesque.

In comparison to a lot of places in Tunisia, Tabarka is unquestionably one of the towns that places less emphasis on the tourist trade. This is clear from the outset, with the streets retaining no commercial feel and instead relying on the traditional Tunisian features.