Canada named as dream destination

Canada named as dream destination London - Arab Today A large-scale travel survey has revealed the top bucket list destinations among travelers around the world. While Italy and Australia topped the global wish list, TripAdvisor’s bi-annual TripBarometer survey also breaks down travel preferences among respondents from different countries. For example, while US respondents named Italy, Australia and Ireland as their dream destinations, the US was cited as the most popular destination among Greek, Israeli and Spanish respondents. Here’s a breakdown of the top dream destinations cited when travelers were asked which countries they’d like to visit in the next 24 months if money were no object: Top of global wish list: Italy and Australia each received 32 percent of the global vote. Canada is the dream destination for Australians and New Zealanders. The USA is the top destination for Spaniards, Israelis, Italians, Greeks and Turks. The Caribbean is the top bucket list spot for Austrians, the Irish and South Africans. Italy is the dream location for Americans, Brazilians, Mexicans, and Russians. Australia tops the bucket list of French, German, Portuguese, Swiss and Canadian travelers. New Zealand is the most popular destination for Indian and UK travelers. Interestingly, Asian travelers buck the international trend and cite regions closer to home as their top destinations: Japan is the top pick for Malays, Thais and Indonesians. China is the top pick for the Chinese. Source: Relaxnews