Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh Cairo - Yousry Mohamed An Egyptian tourism company organised a festival for children in which dozens of tourists took part in under the slogan "Children of Sharm el-Sheikh invites the world to spend the summer in the city of peace". This initiative was set up in order to boost tourism after the recession that followed the events of the revolution last year. The festival began in Delta Sharm Beach. The crowd when through the streets of Naama Bay, where the governor, the head of the city, and the crowds held a big flag for Egypt as they chanted the national anthem and patriotic songs. Festival organiser Ahmed Al Sayed Badawi said: "The festival seeks to attract more tourists, with unconventional methods to promote the country, involving children as a symbol of innocence and peace." The governor of South Sinai, Major General Khalid Fouda said that choosing Sharm el-Sheikh for this festival at this time was good because the Western media is trying to distort Egypt’s image of stability and safety which disrupts the tourism. He added that Sharm el-Sheikh was one of the top five cities of peace in the world.