66% rated Wi-fi as number 1 hotel requirement

66% rated Wi-fi as number 1 hotel requirement London - Arabstoday New research conducted by Hotels.com, a leading accommodation booking service has shown that travellers have rated free Wi-fi as the number-one criteria when choosing a hotel. Internet access has ranked above free breakfasts and free parking as a necessity for hotels, with 66 percent of those interviewed rating Wi-fi as the number-one thing that should be introduced across the board in hotels in 2013. Furthermore, 54 percent of business travellers and 34 percent of holidaymakers ranked internet the number one must-have amenity whilst abroad. With increasing usage of portable internet communications devices, travellers are becoming more dependent on their ipads, laptops, and mobile phones to plan their trips. The emphasis on internet access in the 2013 survey reflects a trend noted in the 2012 survey, however, the number of people who put down free Wi-fi access as their number one necessity has doubled in the last year. Whilst a majority of those asked put Wi-fi above all other needs whilst travelling, only 11 percent said they would pay for Wi-fi access.