Jordan fashion

Jordanian fashion designer Petra Orfali said that hats and scarves add beauty and elegance to women, adding that they were important and essential element in old fashion but the modern designers use them in a different way nowadays.
Orfali noted that famous late actress Marilyn Monroe used to wear hats, while singer Laila Murad and actress Madiha Yousri used to wear scarves, pointing out that their usage differed from one era to another. 
Orfali was born into an artistic family, her father taught her the art of painting and music, this had a great impact on her love for paint and design she was soon making clothes for her dolls. Since then she has pursued her dream of becoming a known craft and fashion designer. 
Orfali's designs are influenced by the combination of her Turkish, Syrian and Jordanian culture.
In regard with her design brand 'Rose ‘n Rose', Orfali said that she presents simple but yet elegant designs with oriental spirit and modern touch, Rose ‘n Rose was established in Amman 2008, and has been expanding through the Middle East and the states since then, by displaying her latest creations in many international events.Supporting less fortunate has been always part of this project, where a group of local community women in Amman where trained by Petra and now works closely with her to produce the basic material items used in the designs.