Scarlet dress

 Scarlet dress New York - Arabstoday Sketches from Jennifer Lopez's tour wardrobe have been unveiled, revealing two sizzling-hot ensembles. The scarlet red looks, created by Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad, will be worn by the 42-year-old mega star when her tour commences in South America on Friday. In two before-and-after sketches, an elaborate red robe has been depicted on top of a shimmering dress. Tied at the waist with a giant bow, turning the brunette bombshell into an extremely stylish Christmas present, the robe drapes over her shoulders and then trails out. A red microphone is also seen in the singer's hand while her long brown locks have been slightly waved in typical J-Lo style. Another image shows the dress on its own. The second sketch shows a minidress that is stitched with "thousands of red beads hand-sewn onto nude silk tulle" in a flame pattern. Other pieces in the collection will include a feathered skirt and hat as well as a jumpsuit and cape. A bodysuit is also in the works as are further short frocks. The designer has created six looks in total for mother-of-two's world tour.