Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul Gheit

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul Gheit condemned on Friday Israel's excessive use of force and live bullets against unarmed Palestinians in the occupied al Quds city and in areas near Al Aqsa Mosque, AL Spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said in statements.
Earlier in the day, Israeli forces killed a number of Palestinians and injured others.
Abul Gheit said Israeli measures are preventing Palestinians from practicing their religious rituals and performing prayers in Al Aqsa Mosque, adding that the current tension is paving the way for more escalation, the spokesman said.
He also called on the Israeli authorities to immediately stop such arbitrary measures and acts that open the door to more escalation, he added. 
He also urged the international community to shoulder the responsibility and press on Israel to respect international human rights laws and norms, the spokesman concluded.

Source: Mena