Eating breakfast daily

A new study revealed that in case of lack of focus, the brain stops, which may lead to the incidence of premature aging.  Making, however, small changes in diet and lifestyle can make a real difference in the strength of your mind in just one week.

Nutrition expert Amy Morris, will told you seven easy steps you can follow to achieve the best performance of the day.

1. Eating breakfast daily
Eating breakfast helps to improve the short memory and attention span, and many studies have shown that the perform of the students who eat breakfast is better than those who do not eat breakfast.

2. Drinking Matcha green tea instead of coffee 
Morris recommends to replace the morning coffee with the Asian powder  used to make tea and other drinks. Matcha tea gives you the caffeine and helps to stimulate and improve the focus, unlike the coffee.

3. Eating more nuts
The nuts and grains of corn is a good source of vitamin E, which helps in activating the brain and reduce premature aging.

4. Drinking more water
The lack of water  in the body means also its shortage in the brain,  which leads to poor concentration, headaches, depression and forgetfulness.

5. Eating more oily fish
Many studies have shown that eating oily fish, which contain the element of omega-3, can strengthen the focus you have, due to its ability to help increase the blood flow to the brain during minded activity.

6. Practicing meditation to get rid of tension 
A recent study revealed that people, who meditate intensively, have the better attention and sustainable focus even during the most tedious tasks.

7. The good sleep at night

Scientists revealed when measuring sleepiness that people who suffer from sleep deprivation have lower rates of concentration. Sleeping contributes in activating the cells of the brain, purifies its waste, and supports learning and memory.