The potential side effects of common painkillers

The potential side effects of common painkillers increase dramatically while suffering a cold or flu and sometimes lead to a heart attack, scientists warned.
However, many conditions – including pain, digestive issue, low mood and colds and flu – can be treated with natural alternatives, she says.
If indigestion is triggered after eating fatty food such as pastries, you may benefit from artichoke extract which, in my experience, is one of the best supplements to ease feeling bloated.
Milk thistle is another option – this traditional herbal medicine is licensed to treat over-indulgence, indigestion and upset stomach, making it a popular first aid essential. Artichoke stimulates bile production in the liver to aid fat digestion; it can be taken before or after a big dinner or party. Milk thistle also acts on the liver and, as well as providing antioxidant protection from the toxic effects of alcohol, also stimulates bile production.
Silicolgel is a natural oral gel that forms a soothing coating over the lining of the stomach and intestines, offering relief from acid. However it also binds gases and reduces excess acidity – so can help a wind problem at either end.
Milk thistle, as a medicine, is used to treat symptoms; artichoke is often used for prevention. It’s best to take Silicolgel as a preventative measure before you start eating. Try an antacid or other OTC stomach calming products such as Silicolgel from Boots, 200ml £8.29. Anxiety and moods swings can result from the anti-climax of the festive season lack of sunshine, financial worries, and the cold, miserable weather this time of year.