Jordanian trainer, Nour al-Masry

The human development Jordanian trainer, Nour al-Masry stressed that Noor al-Masry, stressed that the one who possesses the skills of human development has a great heart, and able to complete the works better and deliver the information for others strongly.

She said through her official Facebook page, that public speaking fear is first of 10 types of fear, according to American studies.

Al-Masry pointed out that the phrase saying: "Death is easier than talking in front of people" is true, the awe and fear in the first minute during talking to the public is normal because the adrenaline rises in the body which leads to sweating and feeling of quickly heart rate, but quickly the body senses that there is no danger of it until things return to normal.

The presentation skills' trainer said, in an interview with Arabs Today, that the pathological conditions from the public speaking's fears reached to the point of unconsciousness, in some cases, for several reasons, including fear of the opinion and evaluation of others, forgetting or stuttering, and fear of the people's reaction or the embarrassment of their questions.

Overcoming these fears will be through many ways, including the absolute belief that we are all human beings and we may make mistakes, the good preparation of the content that we will present, knowing the public we will talk to them and learning the presentation skills, she added.