Explosives are being concealed in implants

Explosives are being concealed in implants London - Arab Today Al-Qaeda\'s chief bomb-maker Ibrahim al-Asiri is rumored to have developed explosives that can be concealed in implants or body cavities, and are undetectable by airport scanners. Staff at London\'s Heathrow Airport have reportedly been warned to be on the lookout for explosive breast implants, with one staff member saying \"there are genuine fears over this.\" \"We have been told to pay particular attention to females who may have concealed hidden explosives in their breasts,\" the airport worker said. \"This is particularly difficult for us to pick up but we are on a very high state of alert.\" The warning has led to long lines at Heathrow now near the end of summer travel season. Since body scanners pick up objects outside the body, it\'s not clear whether women are being frisked by hand. \"They are taking longer to screen people and there is definitely some sort of profiling going on,\" said independent security analyst Paul Beaver. Explosives expert Andy Oppenheimer said there is \"great fear\" that al-Qaeda will put these medically-implanted explosives to use before too long. \"It\'s pretty top secret and potentially very grisly and ghastly,\" Oppenheimer said. Source: UPI