Hungry shoppers more calories, not more food

Hungry shoppers more calories, not more food London - Arabstoday Going to the supermarket on an empty stomach makes you more likely to by unhealthy food, US researchers claim. The study looked at the impact fasting has on food choices. During the experiment, individuals who fasted for five hours before shopping tended to buy higher-calorie foods than when full. Previous research suggests that, people buy and eat more food when dieting or breaking a fast. The recent study, conducted by a team at Cornell University in the US, sought to discover whether fasting affected what people buy, as well as how much. 68 paid participants were asked to abstain from eating for five hours, then shop online at a simulated supermarket. High calorie items, such as red meat, sweets and crisps, were displayed alongside similar low calorie foods, including chicken breasts, fruit and vegetables. Prices were not included. During half of the sessions, participants were first given a plate of crackers to eat until they felt full. The results showed that shoppers who were hungry opting for more high calorie foods and fewer low calorie foods as a proportion of their food purchases. But they did not buy more overall.