Electron microscope image of a coronavirus

Electron microscope image of a coronavirus London - Arab Today A man infected with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-nCV) has died in a UK hospital. The patient, who was 49, was being treated for kidney failure and acute respiratory syndrome. He was flown to St Thomas\' Hospital in London from Qatar in September last year. There have now been 41 deaths from the virus, which emerged last year and is similar to those that cause Sars and the common cold. Around the world, 77 people are known to have been infected with the virus. It causes fever, a cough and breathing difficulties. Most patients have developed pneumonia. Cases have been confirmed in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia and the UK. In a statement in May the World Health Organisation (WHO) said: \"The greatest global concern is about the potential for this new virus to spread.\"