To keep your fitness, the matter needs hard work

To keep your fitness, the matter needs hard work and it could be very time-consuming. However, according to “Daily Mail”, there are easier ways to drop pounds of the scale without exhausting treadmill sessions or laps around your local park.

1. Drink a lot of water
You should have a glass of  water before every meal, as this will help you stay hydrated and feeling full instantly, which can in turn help prevent overeating. 
2. Focus on healthy food 
Take out the hassle from planning and preparing meals by using a calorie and portion controlled diet delivery service. this will save you a trip to the supermarket, but as all the shopping decisions are already made for you, there's no impulse crisps or chocolate splurges. 
3. Do some exercises '
The person can do some exercises while in his desk, as it can help improve the fitness levels.

4. Do not eat a lot in dinner

The person should focus on eating and light dinner to ensure quite sleep and to avoid indigestion. It's best to eat two to three hours before going to bed as your metabolism works faster whilst you are awake and slows down during sleep.
5. Sleep well 
The person should enjoy more sleep, as many studies have shown that lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain as it interferes with the levels of hormones which regulate the signals that tell the brain that the body is full. 
6. Easiest exercises
It does involve you being electrocuted.
But EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) training is a dream for the lazy girl who doesn't want to move very far.
A personal trainer brings the equipment to your home, straps a set of wires to you for 20 minutes - and it has the effect of a 00-minute cardio session.