Dr. Marwan Abraham

The Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Aziza Othmaneh hospital, Dr. Marwan Abraham, said in statements for Arabs Today that IVF children fall within the methods of assisted reproductive, which are numerous, adding that IVF children are the last stage for those who are looking for help with reproduction.

Before resorting to it, we must be passing through other stages may be the solution in pregnancy, such as simple medicines and surgical intervention in the case of blockage channels, Abraham said.

There are those who need for microscopic fertilization, which is done by enlarging one or two ovum, the rate of success in this case to 10 or 20 percent, he added.

He said that if the attempts to pass through these stages failed and did not produce the desired result, the final solution would be IVF children.

He confirmed that the success rate of the child's tube operation ranges between 25 and 40 percent, and stressed that the results of this process at Aziza hospital match the global results at the level of success rates.

In addition to the benefits of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Center in the hospital,  which contains all the equipment of this specialty, the treatment is inexpensive. The IVF child, which costs between 1000 dinars and 2,000 dinars, does not cost anything at the Azizia hospital, the Tunisian doctor said.

"There is one of four couples who go to a doctor to help with reproduction, which is the same as the world average," said Dr. Marwan Abraham. "The biggest factor for procreation is delaying the age of marriage, when women reach the age of 35, pregnancy is harder and medical intervention is quicker," Abraham added.

He said that during the past year, there were about 250 microscopic vaccinations, 650 children in the pipeline and 120 freezing cases for the fetus at Azizia Hospital.

"If the first attempt fails, we can say that there is no limit number to how many attempts can be made," Abraham stated.