Radio Lebanon has got huge potentials that have never been tapped in, care-taker Information minister Walid Daouk told honoured radio station staffers today. He particularly singled out Nisreen Hashimi of the feature program \"Ounwan\"-highlight hailing it as a major breakthrough ever since its launching a year ago. Daouk disclosed a cooperation deal recently concluded with the Chinese, with Radio and TV Lebanon as the principal beneficiaries. He noted the US $ 750,000 Mediterranean prize bound to offer the station a major boost. There remains hope tagged on youth, Daouk concluded. Taking the word, Hashimi thanked Daouk in her welcoming address saying her program deals with Arab youth residing in Lebanon. She used the all-out ingathering Cedar metaphor to denote what the radio station offered youth. She retorted that they lacked so much in many respects, yet, with a bit of patronizing they would eventually achieve their goal.